Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture



Brown-headed Nuthatch by James Childress


Sixty percent of North American migratory bird species breed, winter, or migrate through the Lower Mississippi Valley, which is the continent’s most important wintering area for Mallards & Wood Ducks.



To function as the forum in which the private, state, and federal conservation community develops a shared vision of bird conservation for the Lower Mississippi Valley and West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas regions; cooperates in its implementation; and collaborates in its refinement.


Marsh Sunrise by Dale Yocum

Wetland Unit Sundown The Wetlands 2018.jpg

Wilson’s Snipe by DWB

Delta Wind Birds Featured on Farmweek Special Report

Find out in this video (26 min) how ongoing research and conservation work by DWB, Mississippi landowners, and MSU is uncovering vital ways in which wetlands for shorebirds are connected to water quality and the Gulf of Mexico!

Value of Strategic Reforestation in the MAV Confirmed

A recent analysis confirms substantial improvement in creating forest core as reforestation activity is applied within Forest Breeding Bird Decision Support Model’s bands of increasing priority.

New Report: Economic Benefits of WRE

Conservation benefits of the Wetlands Reserve Easement Program are well-documented, especially for wetlands & birds. Read more to find out how WRE benefits taxpayers at the same time! View the Summary