20 Attend Union Parish Field Day

The USDA NRCS, D’arbonne Soil & Water Conservation District, and the LMVJV partnered together for an Upland Wildlife Habitat Field Tour in Union Parish, Louisiana in the heart of the Open Pine Woodland Restoration RCPP area. The tour was held on June 15 to highlight the work being done by Todd Sherwin to promote native herbaceous vegetation in his fields and forested habitats for the benefit of birds including quail, turkey, woodcock, and dove.

About 20 folks participated in the event, with speakers Wayne Roberts from NRCS, Stephanie Paul from NRCS, and Austin Klais with LMVJV. We also had wonderful impromptu discussion from Mitch McGehee and David Breithaupt, both from LDWF. Thanks gentlemen!  Landowner Todd Sherwin led the local team across the property with both restored grasslands and woodlands at the early stages of management. Several local landowners were present and interested in carrying this type of management to their own properties! 

Photos by Stephanie Paul, NRCS

JV Elliott